Exodus 12:1-8.11-1
1Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-15
Today's Mass in memory of the Last Super opens the "Pascal Triduum", a three day's journey that commemorates the events that led to our Redemption: the Passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The focal point of today's liturgy is the Upper Room, where Jesus took the last Super with his disciples. Three events are celebrated:
- the giving of the new commandment of love, expressed in gestures of humble service,
- the institution of the Eucharist as a symbol of his self giving for us,
- the institution of the priesthood to perpetuate his presence among his people. That which holds these three mysteries together is Jesus' love for us.
The first reading narrates the institution of the Jewish Passover, marked by the immolation of the lamb. The eating of the Passover lamb preceded the exodus event. The second reading explains the Eucharist as instituted by Christ himself during the super that preceded his Passion and death.
At the Last Super, Jesus stood among his disciples as one who serves. He washed his disciples' feet as a concrete example of serving one another. Such humility is an example for us to follow. Moreover, he gave his Body and Blood as a ransom for many. This act of self giving demonstrates Jesus' love for us. Thus, those of us who partake in the Eucharist must also give ourselves in serving others.
Today, let each of us spend some time in adoring the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen
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