Saturday, 31 March 2018


Genesis 1:1-2:2 ; Psalm 104

Exodus 14:15-15-1; Exodus 15

Ezekiel 36: 16-17a, 18-28; Psalm 42

Romans 6:3-11

Mark 16:1-7


This day is the third day of the Sacred Triduum. The focal point of today’s celebration is the empty tomb. The liturgy of the Easter Vigil is made up of four parts, namely, the service of night, the liturgy of the Word, the liturgy of baptism, and the liturgy of the Eucharist. It is the celebration of the passage from death to life, from darkness to light.

The liturgy of the Word invites us to meditate on the Salvation History, how God has been so close to mankind since creation. The great events that mark this history have been wrought in the night. The first act of creation was the victory of light over darkness: “let there be light” (Gen. 1:3). It was at night that God saved the Israelites from slavery through the Passover meal, liberating them from the power of Pharaoh. It was at night that he led them dry-shod through the red sea (Ex. 14). It was at night that Jesus rose from the dead, breaking the chains of death.

One thing that Holy Saturday teaches us is that no matter how deep and how long the night is the day will surely come. Jesus himself had to go through the terrible experience of being in the tomb for three days. Yes, he was crucified, died and was buried; but now he has risen.

This day therefore invites us to hope against all hope. There is no situation so desperate that God cannot change, for he always makes a way where there is no way. So, do not be afraid.

May the power of the  Resurrection roll away every stone or obstacle that stands on your way. And may the rising of our Lord Jesus Christ dispel every darkness in our life and give us the grace to be true witnesses of the resurrection.

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