Saturday, 10 March 2018


2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23
Psalm  136:1-6
Ephesians 2: 4-10
John 3:14-21


The fourth Sunday of Lent is usually called "Laetare Sunday" or Sunday of rejoicing. Why rejoicing in this time of penance and regret of our sins? Because we serve a God who is patient and loving. He never gets tired of loving us despite our sinfulness and weaknesses; for He does not take pleasure in the death of the sinner.

Hence, the first reading tells us that the Lord, the God of Israel tirelessly sent his prophets to the Israelites. But the people did not listen to them. Thus, God delivered them in the hands of the Babylonians. They went to exile, a bitter experience in the history of the Israelites. Even then, God delivered them by raising king Cyrus of Persia to liberate them from exile. This is how loving, how forgiving our God is!

In the second reading, St Paul says that “God so loved us with so much love that he was generous with his mercy, when we were dead through our sins, he brought us to life with Christ.” This is how immensely rich God’s saving grace is!

The gospel proclaims that God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son to us so that anyone who believes in him may be saved. He came not to condemn the world, but to save the world. To hepl us better appreciate the amazing grace and the love of God for us, Jesus makes a reference to the lifting up of the golden serpent by Moses in the desert (Num 21:6-9).

The serpent was a symbol of consolation and healing to the Israelites in thé desert. Jesus on the cross is the sign of our salvation, sign of God’s love for you and me. Yes, on that cross which is the emblem of humiliation and torture, death and condemnation, is found the emblem of love, forgiveness and liberation. By looking on the cross, we come to appreciate how our sins, transgressions and disobedience have nailed Jesus. We must believe in this love of Jesus and be obedient to his Word.

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