Acts 10 :34.37-43
1Corithians 5 :6-8
John 20 :1-9
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. For we celebrate the foundation of our faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ (cf. 1Cor. 15:13-14).
However, from the gospel reading, we understand that the Lord's resurrection is not a scientific fact to be proven. It is to be believed in. No one saw Jesus coming out of the tomb. But some "facts" and events indicate that something extraordinary happened: the empty tomb, the appearances of the Risen Lord, and the witness of the apostles.
From what happened on Good Friday and these indicators, we come to believe that Jesus was dead, but now he is alive. On Good Friday, our hopes were shattered. But today, our hope has come alive. We now know our Redeemer lives. Easter is therefore a period of joy and hope.
This is the Good News we must carry. Let us bring this joy and hope to those around us. Let us show by our way of life that we are Easter people. Let us celebrate this Easter not with the old leaven of malice and wickedness, unforgiveness and self-pity, but with sincerity, truth, and self confidence (1Cor. 5:6-8). May the Risen Lord bless and keep all of us.
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