Saturday, 22 October 2022


Sirach 35:12-14.16-18
Psalm 34
2 Timothy 4:6-8.16-18
Luke 18:9-14


Last week, we were encouraged to persevere in prayer. Today’s readings identify humility as the indispensable disposition of the heart for a fruitful prayer life. To pray is first of all to put oneself in the presence of God. It is recognizing our smallness and unworthiness before him, and acknowledging our need of his mercy and grace. 

In the gospel passage, Jesus addresses the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector to those who are convinced to be righteous and despise others. Both men went up to the temple to pray. As the Pharisee looks around (a sign of distraction in prayer) and sees the tax collector, his prayer turned into a self-righteous act of judgment, comparing himself with others, and boasting about his “piety” before God. But the tax collector recognized his sinfulness and his need of God's mercy. He would not even raise his eyes to heaven; and beating his breast, he said: “O God, be merciful to me a sinner”. According to Jesus, the tax collector went back home justified, for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. 

To use the language of the first reading, the prayer of the tax collector “reached the heavens” and “pierced the cloud”.  He won God's favour, for God hears the cry of the one who calls him with humble heart. He is a just judge. As such, let us ask ourselves: Are we humble before God while praying? Do our prayers, especially during Mass, turn into “gossip” time like that of the Pharisee? Do we give praise and thanks to God for who we are and what we have been able to do, or do we praise ourselves as if we do everything by our own might? Do our prayers usually turn into self-justification and self-exaltation as if we deserve something before God? Do we recognize our need of God’ mercy? Do we despise others because we think we are better ?

Finally, like St Paul, let us run the race set before us, and fight the good fight. Let the difficulties and anxieties of this present life not make us lose our faith and hope. And in everything, let us be humble and God will exalt us. May he bless and keep all of us. Amen

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