Saturday, 8 October 2022


II King 5:14-17
Psalm 97 (98)
2 Timothy 2:8-13
Luke 17:11-19


Showing appreciation and gratitude even for little things is a mark of a noble soul, while ingratitude may be said to be a dangerous leprosy for a Christian soul. Indeed, to say “Thank you” may appear sometimes too simple and unnecessary, but it is common sense to be grateful even for the little things. Pope Benedict XVI once wrote: “Whoever loses the sense of gratitude has his heart blocked”. As such, today’s readings converge in gratitude. Naaman of Syria and the Samaritan in the Gospel give thanks to Elisha and Jesus respectively, and the Apostle Paul reminds us of the gratitude due to God for the benefits of the redemption we have received in Jesus Christ.

As it can be observed, the acts of gratitude of Naaman and of the Samaritan are not just gestures of politeness, but an expression of a true faith. Consequently, three lessons may be drawn from today’s readings.

First, we are to give thanks to God always, everywhere and for everything. For his faithfulness and goodness towards us is without end; and the privileged way to do so is the Eucharist, from the Greek work "eukaristia" (thanksgiving). Second, let us learn to show gratitude and appreciation towards one another, even in little matters. Lastly, we should not be upset or disappointed when we do not receive appreciation or gratitude from others for a good done. Jesus’ comment on the return of the Samaritan man shows that he was not concerned about receiving honour and appreciation for what he had done for the ten lepers, but rather the failure of the other nine lepers who did not return to give glory to God.

Like the other nine lepers who failed to come back and show appreciation, we often fail to be grateful to God for the good things he has given us. But let us always remember Saint Paul’s exhortation: “In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Jesus Christ” (1Thes. 5:18). May the Lord bless and teach us how to be grateful every moment of our lives. Amen

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