Saturday, 1 October 2022


Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4
Psalm 95
2 Timothy 1:6-8.13-14
Luke 17:5-10


The experience of suffering and evil in our lives and in the world is a great test to our faith in God. Sometimes, God seems to be silent and far from us. We feel that he does not care. In such situations, we become helpless and hopeless, and often get angry with God because he does not act as we would expect. As such, the experience of the prophet Habakkuk in the first reading is not alien to us. He questioned God for his silence in the face of violence, destruction, injustices, insecurity, misery and strife in Israel. Why does he not intervene to liberate his people from Babylonian oppression? But God assured him that his promise would be fulfilled and would not disappoint. Even if it seems to delay, “wait, for come it will, without fail” (Hab. 2:3). 

Indeed, waiting for the fulfilment of God’s promise requires faith, which is understood here as fidelity and obedience. God says: “the just one, because of his faithfulness, shall live”. It is of no wonder therefore that in the gospel Jesus’ disciples put this request to him: “Increase our faith.” Jesus’ answer is that with little faith we can do what seems to be impossible. Again, as the parable of the obedient and dutiful servant implies, faith here means doing the will of the master, that is doing God’s will. Sometimes this may require making painful sacrifices especially when God’s will seems not to correspond to our own agenda or plans.

In the second reading, St Paul encourages Timothy to remain faithful and hold firm despite the hardships his ministry entails. It is noteworthy that St Paul wrote this letter when he was in prison in Rome; hence his example is worth emulating. Though he was in prison awaiting his execution, Paul continues to minister and encourage others in the faith. Despites the challenges and afflictions related to the proclamation of the Gospel, he does not lose faith and hope. Thus, let us remember that we serve a living and faithful God. He will not abandon or disappoint those who put their trust in him and remain faithful to the end. He has promised and he will never fail. May he increase our faith so as to stand firm and move on despite everything. Amen

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