Saturday, 23 October 2021


Jeremiah 31:7-9
Psalm 125
Hebrew 5:1-6
Mark 10:46-52


The readings of today celebrate God who is a miracle-worker, who delivers his people and restores them to integrity and peace. In this perspective, the second reading reminds us that the priesthood is not a right but a gift of God and must be lived as such. It is God who calls some men from among his people to represent them in their relationship with him. And through these chosen men, God continues to work wonders among his people and to save them.  

In the first reading, God promises liberation and restoration to his people in exile. He himself would lead them out of slavery and bring them to their own land. Thus, the psalmist celebrates the fidelity of God who accomplished his promise by delivering the Israelites from captivity and bondage. 

The gospel narrates the story of a man whom Jesus restored from his blindness. This man is identified as Bartimaeus, meaning “son of Timaeus”. He was a man with no proper name and no social status. He was a blind man and a beggar, sitting on the road side. But his encounter with Jesus, the Son of David, changed his situation. He regained his sight. 

Each of us needs such a transforming and healing encounter with the Lord. Some of us have no vision and direction for our life. Others cannot recognize the marvels God works for them so as to appreciate him. Still others have their sight, but cannot see the beauty of life and its meaning. Others too are unable to see the needy around them. There is therefore the need to throw off our cloak of fear, individualism, self-pity and social tagging and come to Jesus for healing. 

Moreover, Bartimaeus is given to us today as a model of faith: a faith that cries out to God in time of need. A faith that is not easily put off but perseveres amid obstacles, oppositions and discouraging comments of others. A faith that remains firm and always celebrates God. May the Lord open our eyes to see beyond the opacity of our life events and recognize his hand that guides and heals us. Amen

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