Saturday, 2 October 2021


Genesis 2:18-24
Psalm 127
Hebrews 2:9-11
Mark 10:2-16


Nowadays, homosexual unions, promiscuity and trial marriage are hailed, defended, legalized and celebrated. When things go wrong in marriage, many spouses think about divorce. But today’s readings tell us something different.

The first reading reminds us that marriage was willed by God himself. God created man and woman so that they may become one for life. They were created equal so as to know and accept each other in their differences. When the man saw the woman, he was very happy because he had found a helper, somebody to be with (Gen. 2:18-24). Marriage is therefore to be enjoyed, not to be endured, for it is meant for the fulfillment and wellbeing of the spouses as well as for the care and growth of children.

In becoming “one body” in marriage, the spouses are united for life. Hence to dissolve the marital bond is to go against God’s will: “So then, what God has united, man must not divide,” says Jesus to the Pharisees who asked him if it was allowed to divorce one’s wife (Mark 10:2-16). Marriage is a lifelong commitment. It is indissoluble. As such, the marital bond cannot be broken without breaking the hearts of a human person. 

What can we do therefore to keep our marriage for life? First, let’s us love like children. I admire children for their simplicity, humility and unconditional trust. They can quarrel and fight, but shortly after come together to play again; they have short memories of the pains, hurts and humiliations caused by their peers or playmates. So, when there are misunderstandings, hurts and problems in your marriage, do not quit. Choose the way of dialogue, forgiveness and reconciliation. Be humble and say “I am sorry”, when you are wrong, or “Thank you” to show appreciation.

Lastly, let Christ have a place in your marriage. The second reading tells us that Jesus is both the Son of God and our brother. He was made lower than the angels so as to sanctify us and become our brother (Heb. 2,9-11). If Jesus is our brother, then it is as a family that we can meet him more intimately. His presence thus becomes a source of blessing, peace and consolation for the family; for a family without Christ is a family with crises. May he bless our homes with peace, joy and fruitfulness. Amen.

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