Saturday, 14 August 2021


Revelation 11:19.12:1-6.10
Psalm 44
1 Corinthians 15:20-27
Luke 1:39-56

Today we celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, as defined by Pope Pius XII in his apostolic constitution "Munuficentissimus Deus" (1950). Initially known as the Dormition of Mary, this solemnity proclaims that the Virgin Mary, at the end of her earthly existence, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory. In fact, Sacred Scripture does not tell us what happened, much less how it happened. However, we may understand this solemnity using three words.

First, gratitude. The Gospel narrates Mary’s visitation to Elisabeth. In response to Elisabeth’s greeting, Mary expressed her joy and gratitude to God in the Magnificat: by looking upon her lowliness and making her the Mother of his Son Jesus Christ, God associated Mary in a unique way to the work of our redemption. She was closely associated with the life, Passion, death and resurrection of Christ. Thus, the Assumption is nothing other than Mary's participation in her Son’s glory. The Magnificat is therefore not only the hymn of her election, but also the song of her glorification: “Henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me.”

Second, victory. In John’s vision, we have two signs: a great sign of a pregnant woman and the sign of a dragon. If it is true that this vision does not refer directly to Mary but to the Church, the persecuted Bride of Christ, it is also true that Mary is the perfect image of the Church. So, Mary appears here as the symbol of God’s triumph. This way, Pope Pius XII was right when he wrote that the object of this feast is not only the incorruption of the body of Mary, but also her triumph over death and her heavenly "glorification" in the likeness of her Son. The Assumption is therefore a confirmation of Christ's victory over evil, sin and death, that last enemy to be annihilated, as St Paul says in the second reading. 

Third, hope. As we contemplate Mary’s Assumption into heaven, the certainty is renewed in us that the goal of our life journey on earth is heaven. For it confirms our glorious destiny: if we live well in obedient faith and faithfulness like Mary, we shall share in God’s glory. We shall participate in Christ’s victory; and this is our hope in the resurrection. But now, let us entrust ourselves to God and ask the Blessed Mother to protect and lead us in our life journey. Amen

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