Saturday, 7 August 2021


1Kings 19:4-8 
Psalm 33 
Ephesians 4:30—5,2 
John 6:41-51


In today’s liturgy, we continue our meditation on the mystery of the Eucharist. In the first reading, we are presented with the story of the prophet Elijah. His zeal to fight against the paganism promoted by queen Jezebel had sapped his energies and attracted the wrath of the queen who sought to kill him. So, the prophet flew for his life. On his way, hunger, tiredness and discouragement led him to pray for death: “Lord, I have had enough. Take my life”. But God fed him with a miraculous food; and in the strength of that food, he journeyed to Horeb, the mount of God, where he encountered the Lord. In this nourishment, we see a figure of the Eucharist, the Bread that sustains us in our journey through life. 

In the gospel, Jesus does not water down his words about the Bread of Life despites the murmuring of the Jews. For the Jews could not accept Jesus’ claim that he is the bread from heaven; they knew well his family background. Jesus reiterates his statement by adding that the bread given for the life of the world is his own body. He meant what he said: the manna in the desert was only a material food, unable to lead to eternal life. But whoever eats the Bread Jesus gives will live forever. And that life begins now. For the Eucharist communicates to us the very life of Jesus; it sows in us the seed of eternal life. 

Therefore, the secret of a meaningful life, a life full of hope amidst the crosses and difficulties of this life is in Jesus, really present in the Eucharist. And when we eat of this Eucharistic Bread, we realize that we too can show sincere love and be kind to one another, as Saint Paul tells us. We can share the love and joy we have experienced in the Eucharistic celebration. This way, we cannot approach the Eucharistic Table with hate, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness or revenge in our hearts. That will be a kind of sacrilege. 

Let us pray, therefore, that God may strengthen and renew us through the nourishment we receive in the Eucharist. Thus, we may journey with him and radiate his love in our homes and communities. Amen

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