Friday, 2 April 2021


Acts 10:34.37-43
Psalm 117
1Corinthians 5:6-8
John 20:1-9


This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. For we celebrate the foundation of our faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, from the gospel reading, the resurrection of Jesus does not present itself as a scientific fact to be proven. No one saw him coming out of the tomb. But the empty tomb, the appearances of the Risen Lord and the witness of the apostles testify that something extraordinary and beyond human understanding happened.

In effect, in the early morning of the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala, Simon Peter and the other disciple realized that the tomb was empty. They saw the linen was lying on the ground. The cloth that covered Jesus’ head was not with the linen but rolled up in a place by itself. This means that Jesus’ body was not furtively taken away. The other disciple saw and believed (Jean 20:1-9).

Thus, in the first reading, Simon Peter bears witness to the resurrection of Christ as a fact of faith. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to them. They saw him, ate and drank with him. And by his mandate they are his witnesses (Acts 10:34.37-43). Other resurrection narratives testify to this. It is therefore true that Jesus rose from the dead. His resurrection was not a fabricated story.

But what is the import of Jesus’ resurrection for us today? St Paul replies that we should get rid of the old yeast of evil, wickedness, unforgiveness and self-pity so as to make ourselves into completely new persons marked by sincerity, truth, and self-confidence (1Co 5:6-8). Let us show by our way of life that we are Easter people and bear witness to the Risen Lord. We must also share the light of the resurrection that dispels fear, discouragement, corruption, injustice, unforgiveness, falsehood, hypocrisy, wickedness, selfishness, etc. 
May the resurrection of Jesus bring us joy, hope, breakthrough and renewal in every sphere of our life. Amen

Happy Easter to you all!!!

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