Saturday, 17 April 2021


Acts 3:13-15.17-19
Psalm 4
1John 2:1-5
Luke 24:35-48


Jesus of Nazareth, the Prince of Life, was put to death, but death could not overcome him. This way, today’s readings remind us that the paschal event (Jesus’ Passion, death and resurrection) was not an event by chance or an accident. Everything happened according to God’s loving and salvific plan. Everything happened as the fulfillment of Sacred Scriptures. Consequently, Christians of all times must preach and bear witness to this saving event that transformed the world.

Thus, in the first reading, Peter’s harsh words were not an indictment of the Jews for putting to death Jesus, the “Author of life”, but a bold invitation to the people for conversion. They had put the Prince of life to death out of ignorance, but God raised him from the dead (Acts 3:13-15.17-19). As such, Peter confidently calls them to repentance, knowing that, as the first Letter of John puts it, by virtue of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we now have an Advocate with the Father. His death is the expiation for our sins and those of the whole world (1John 2:1-5).

This witness of the Apostles is in accordance with the mandate they had received from the Risen Lord on the evening of the day of his resurrection, when he appeared to them. Three things are worth highlighting in this pericope. First, Jesus offered peace to his troubled and frightened disciples, and reassured them that he is the same who was dead but now is alive. Second, he made them understand the Scriptures which foretold his Passion, death and resurrection. Third, he gave them the mandate to be witnesses of his saving death and resurrection.

Indeed, Jesus died and rose from the dead for our sake, according to God’s eternal design. Like the disciples, we are called to be witnesses to this. But how can we proclaim Jesus if we do not have a personal relationship with him? How can we preach conversion to others if we ourselves are not converted? How can we preach peace and joy if we ourselves are unable to be joyful? How can we preach forgiveness of sins to others if we ourselves are incapable of forgiving our brothers and sisters? Let us therefore pray the Risen Lord to help us encounter him in a personal way so as to be bold witnesses of his death and resurrection. Amen

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