Saturday, 18 July 2020


Wisdom 12:13,16-19
Romans 8:26-27
Matthew 13:24-43


Why does evil exist in the world? Why does a good and all powerful God allow evil in the world? Why does he not eliminate evil and wicked men from the face of the earth? Why does the priest allow this public sinner, this prostitute, this disrespectful person to take Holy Communion? These and similar questions are asked every day. But there seems to be no adequate answers. It is in this perspective that today's readings have a great lesson for us.

In effect, the author of the Book of Wisdom tells us: though God is Almighty and Sovereign, he is gentle and forbearing with everyone (Wisd. 12:13,16-19). In a similar way, the parable of the weeds among the wheat teaches us that God allows good and evil to coexist in the world. But one thing is sure: good will triumph at the end (Matt. 13:24-43).

Three observations can be made with respect to this parable. First, the farmer (God) sowed good seeds in the world, while the enemy sowed weeds in the world. Indeed, in this world, there are people who are always sowing weeds in others' lives. They are destroyers, sowing confusion, discord, quarrels, lies, pain, tears, etc. These people are always among men. But the good news is that evil will never have the final say. Good, truth and justice will triumph.

Second, the enemy came when everybody was asleep. Thus, we become prey to the devil when we are spiritually asleep. For instance, not attending Mass, not praying, not reading the Word of God, not going for confession, etc. are favourable occasions for the evil one to sow evil in our hearts. That is why we need to be always awake.

Third, the farmer allowed both wheat and weeds to grow together until harvest time when he would separate them. In fact, in our society, we find good and wicked people, just and unjust, humble and arrogant. 

Again, at the individual level, no one is 100% good or 100% bad. There is in each one of us some good and some evil. Therefore, we need to be tolerant and kind with one another just as God is tolerant and forbearing with us. 

Besides, let us pray that God may renew in us his Holy Spirit to help us in our weaknesses (Rom. 8:26-27). May he bless and keep all of us. Amen.