Saturday, 11 July 2020


Isaiah 55:10-11
Romans 8:18-23
Matthew 13:1-13


Almost each day, we read or listen to the Word of God. As the Lord declares through the prophet Isaiah in the first reading, his Word is true, effective and efficacious. It fulfills his will and brings transformation to those who hear it, just as the rain transforms nature. As such, it needs to bear fruits in our lives.

However, the kind of fruits it produces depends on our availability and readiness to keep it, to allow it to transform our life. In other words the growth, maturity and fruitfulness of the Word of God in our life depend on the kind of soil or heart that we have. And this is what Jesus meant by the parable of the sower (Matt.13:1-23).

The Word of God is like a seed sown in us, any time we read or listen to it. God who is the sower gives us this seed profusely to each of us without reservation or discrimination. He does not exclude anyone. We who receive it now have the responsibility to make it bear fruits in our life. For the day of harvest will come when the divine sower will expect his fruits. That day will be a day of revelation and deliverance, in that, God will reveal himself to all those who have kept the faith, those who have kept his Word and allowed it to bear fruits.

In this respect, St Paul teaches us that until then, we are in a time of waiting or of expectation, just like a pregnant woman expects her child. This time of waiting is marked by suffering, which, however, cannot be compared to the joyful glory yet to be revealed. It is a time of labour, of hard work so that the Word of God may bear fruits in us. So the question we need to ask ourselves today is: what type of fruits am I bearing as a Christian? Am I allowing the Word of God to grow and bear fruits of good deeds? What kind of soil am I?

Let us pray God to grant us the necessary grace to soften and fertilize our hearts so that we may bear fruits of good actions. Amen

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