Friday, 7 September 2018


Isaiah 35: 4-7
Psalm 146: 7.8-10
James 2: 1-5
Mark 7: 31-37


It is a terrible experience to have an impediment in one of the five senses. Thus, having a listening and speech impediment is as terrible as being unable to live and share the Word of God that one listens to everyday. Today’s first reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah is a word of hope and encouragement to the faint-hearted and the physically challenged. They should be strong and have no fear, for the Lord comes to heal, restore and liberate them (Isaiah 35:4-7).

In the gospel, Jesus heals a deaf and dumb man in a pagan territory, the Decapolis. This made great his reputation among the people of the area: “He has done all things well,” the people said.  Thus, the more Jesus ordered them not to tell others about this healing miracle, the more they were excited to proclaim it and glorified God (Mark 7:31-37).

Though we may not be physically deaf and dumb, we may close our ears and hearts to the Word of God. When we do not concentrate when the Word of God is being proclaimed in Church, when we fail to listen to the cries of the poor and needy around us, or to the groaning of the sick and the suffering, we are spiritually deaf. As such, we need the “Ephphatha ritual.” We need the healing touch of Jesus so as to listen to the Word of God and put it into practice.

Besides, we may convince ourselves that we are not dumb. But once we cannot share our faith with others, we are spiritually dumb. If we cannot proclaim the truth that liberates men, we are dumb. If we cannot speak out against the injustices, corruption, inequalities and discriminations in our homes, churches, workplaces and communities, just as St James does in the second reading, we are dumb (James 2:1-5).

Therefore, we must change our attitudes, share our faith and speak out against the social evils of our time. This way, we will truly enjoy the freedom and liberation offered to us by Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen

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