Saturday, 1 September 2018


Deuteronomy 4:1-2.6-8 
Psalm 14 
James 1:17…27 
Mark 7:1-8.14-15.21-23


The readings of today invite us to mediate on what is true religion. In the first reading, Moses tells the people of Israel that God is ever close to his people. His immutable laws are not to oppress man but rather to guarantee his freedom and make God’s people great. What distinguishes therefore God’s people is the obedience to such life-giving and liberating laws. People thus will marvel at the wisdom and prudence that characterize the life of God’s people.

All good things come from God and are meant to help us on our way of salvation. Thus, our salvation does not simply depend on our being baptized, being a member of a church, going to church on Sunday, listening to the Word of God. It does depend heavily on how we put into practice the Word of God. In such a way, we should not be just listeners but doers of the Word. This is true religion (second reading).

True religion therefore consists in loving, forgiving, sharing, showing compassion and going to the aid of the needy. Such practices come from the heart and make man holy. In the same way, negative thinking and evil deeds come from the heart, and make man unholy. It is only when we allow the Word of God to transform our way of life that we can become true worshippers of God.  External observance of the ritual purity is good, but when it is divorced from the heart, it leads to hypocrisy (gospel reading).

It is evident that unless we build a personal relationship with the Lord and care for our fellow human beings with a genuine and sincere heart, all our “religion” is sterile end lip-service. May the Lord fill our hearts with genuine love for him and for our brothers and sisters. Amen

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