Saturday, 7 January 2023


Isaiah 60,1-6
Psalm 71
Ephesians 3:2-3.5-6
Matthew 2:1-12


We celebrate today the Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ. The word “epiphany” means manifestation, revelation or showing forth. In this sense, the feast of the Epiphany indicates the manifestation of the Lord, who, as Saint Paul tells us in the second reading, makes himself known to all the nations, today represented by the Magi. In this way, we see revealed the glory of a God who has come for everyone, without distinction.

Indeed, there is no stranger in God’s plan of salvation. He leaves no one out, but reveals himself to everyone. He adapts himself to the condition of each one of us. To the world, he revealed himself in a little child lying in a manger. To the Magi, through a star. To the pagans of St Paul’s time, he revealed his love through the proclamation of the Gospel. To us too, he manifests himself in various ways, in the daily events of our life, in his Word and in the celebration of the Sacraments. 

What makes the difference is our response to him. When the Magi saw the star of a new born king, they set out on a journey full of risks, without safe roads and clear maps. They found the child Jesus, paid him homage and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The worshipped him. In fact, they were filled with joy when they discovered the place where the child was. On the contrary, when King Herod heard the news of the birth of a new king, he was greatly troubled and frustrated. Then, he later sought to kill the child. 

As for us, let us imitate the Magi in our response to God. Like them, let us embark in a continuous search for the Lord. Let us accept Jesus as our Star and entrust ourselves to him in the wonder of worship.

Enlightened by his light, let us rise and shine, as the first reading exhorts us (Is. 60,1-6). Indeed, rising and shining are characteristic of the sun, which gives light, life and warmth to all.

We are therefore called to shine in the world, covered by the darkness of sin, wickedness, selfishness, injustice, corruption, violence, hatred, unforgiveness, etc. May the Lord help us to become little stars that lead people to Christ. Amen. 

Happy Feast to you all !

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