Saturday, 12 November 2022


Malachi 3:19-20
Ps 97:5-9
2 Thessalonians 3:7-12
Luke 21:5-19


On this last Sunday before the solemnity of Christ the King, the readings speak of the end of times. In the first reading, the prophet Malachi announces “the day of the Lord.” It will be a terrifying day for the proud and evildoers, because they will be destroyed by a consuming fire. But for the God-fearing and righteous ones, it will be a day of justification. For the sun of justice will shine on them with its healing rays.

In the gospel, some people expressed their amazement about the imposing magnificence of the Temple of Jerusalem. Responding to this, Jesus predicted that days were coming when there would not be left stone upon stone; the Temple would be destroyed. He also announced the events that would come before the end of time: tribulation, the rise of false prophets, natural disasters, wars, persecutions of believers, etc. These words are not meant to create panic and fear in us, but rather confidence and perseverance. For the believer will be saved if he remains faithful and perseverant till the end.

In fact, in every age, people have expected the end of the world to happen in their lifetime, as did the Thessalonians. Some of them, persuaded of the imminence of the return of Christ, were unwilling to work and so became a burden on others. But for St Paul, the “imminent” return of the Lord should not make us idle. We are to work diligently as we await the Lord’s return and fulfill our various duties with love and commitment. Our hope for the glorious return of Christ must be accompanied by our daily vigilance.

Indeed, each day is an opportunity for us to bear witness to Christ and continue to do what is good. Our daily work should concretize itself through gestures of solidarity and fraternity, especially towards those in needy. By so doing, we will wait for the Day of the Lord without fear. Therefore, as we celebrate the Sixth World’ Day of the Poor, let us ask the grace to always show concern for the miseries and sufferings of our brothers and sisters in need. Let us also pray that their perseverance and their hope in the Lord may not be in vain. Amen.

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