Wisdom 18:6-9
Ps 33
Hebrews 11:1-2.8-19
Luke 12:32-40
The dominant theme in today’s readings is “faith” and “stewardship.” In effect, the first reading speaks of that unique night in the history of the Israelites, a night in which God manifested his power and salvation: the night of the Passover. It was a night of glory and deliverance from the Egyptian slavery. On that night the Israelites were to begin a journey of no return to the Promised Land by putting their trust in God (Wis. 18:6-9).
The second reading bears witness to the faith of our fathers, especially the faith of Abraham and Sarah. Obeying to God’s command, Abraham left his father’s house not knowing where he was going to. Throughout his life journey with God, he trusted and obeyed God even in risky and nonsensical situations (Hebrews 11:1-2.8-19). In the gospel, Jesus tells the crowd not to be afraid, for it has pleased God to give them the kingdom. He exhorts them to sell their belongings and get always ready like good stewards awaiting the coming of their master even in the night (Luke 12:32-40).
Today’s readings invite us therefore to trust God in every situation and to be good stewards. Abraham became the “father of all believers” because of his childlike trust and unconditional obedience to God. On the other hand, the generation that went out of Egypt on that memorable night of the Passover did not enter the Promised Land because of their unfaithfulness and lack of trust in God on the way.
Thus, the journey with God is a journey of faith and hope, faithfulness and vigilance. Sometimes, it is necessary to make a leap of faith, when we do not fully understand, but counting on God’s faithfulness that never fails. Other times, it is necessary to stand by when everybody is running away or to keep watching when everybody is asleep. Still other times, it requires humble service, that is, to gird one’s loins, to bend down and serve others. But in all, we must put our trust in God, because with God, what is impossible to human eyes becomes possible. May his kindness and blessing be upon us as we put our trust and hope in him. Amen
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