Amos 7:12-15
Psalm 84:9-14
Ephesians 1:3-14
Mark 6:7-13
Today’s readings remind us that we have been chosen and commissioned to go and tell our story, the story of our relationship with God. According to Saint Paul, God has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing so as to be holy and blameless before him. Thus, as Christians, we have been called to live in God’s presence as his adopted children. This is an experience we cannot keep for ourselves, but which must be shared.
This is exemplified in the first missionary experience of Jesus’ disciples (Mark 6:7-13). Having spent some time with him, Jesus sends them out to cast out demons, heal the sick and preach repentance. He also instructs them not to take anything for the journey, but to depend on God’s providence. Two things may be highlighted.
First, by sending them two by two, Jesus teaches that the missionary work is a team work which requires collaboration. This has an undeniable pastoral benefit: mutual help and consolation in time of need and difficulties. But most importantly, there is a trace of the Jewish tradition according to which a testimony was only admissible when it was borne by at least two people (cf. Deut. 19:15). Thus, the disciples were sent as witnesses; and the credibility of their testimony depended on the love and care they had for one another.
Second, Jesus instructs his disciples not to take anything for the journey, except sandals and a walking staff. It could be observed that these are similar instructions given by God to the Israelites as they were to begin the Exodus, which marked their freedom from Egyptian slavery. Thus, Jesus sends out his disciples to free and liberate others; but if they were to help people recover their freedom, they too had to be free.
As baptized, we too have been sent to share our experience of God with others. We may face rejection and opposition, just as Amos who was considered as an unwanted prophet (Amos 7:12-15). But this must not stop us from delivering the message of salvation and freedom we carry. We need to put our trust in God and free ourselves from unnecessary worries and anxieties. Therefore, let us pray the Lord to grant us the grace to be credible and joyful witnesses of Christ. Amen
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