Enjoy your Sunday Homilies with Fr Georges Kwami KOUWONOU, Catholic Priest of Atakpame Diocese (Togo)
Saturday, 31 July 2021
Saturday, 24 July 2021
2 Kings 4:42-44
Psalm 145
Ephesians 4:1-6
John 6:1-15
With this Sunday, the liturgy interrupts the reading of the Gospel according to Mark. It inserts John’s narration of the story of the multiplication of the loaves and Jesus’ discourse on the bread of life, as a way to deepen our understanding of the Eucharist, which is the Bread of Life.
It is important to note that John’s version of the multiplication of loaves has many points of contact with Elisha’s miracle of feeding hundred people with twenty barley loaves, as narrated in the first reading. The two miracle episodes are built around four elements: the presence of a real need (hunger), the disproportion between the loaves of bread available and the number of people to be fed, the intervention of God, and the left-over. For our meditation, we may highlight two important lessons.
First, the sign of a bread given in abundance is the sign of the way in which the Lord accompanies our journey towards the fullness of life. As the psalmist expresses it, the eyes of all look hopefully up to God, who provides food to every living being in due season. He opens his hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing (Ps 145). Indeed, we serve a God of Providence. He does not only take care of us, but he does so in abundance, so much so that there is always some left over.
Second, God needs our cooperation in order to bring us to fulness of life. It can be observed that Jesus does not make the bread fall from heaven like the manna, but he blesses and multiplies the bread that comes from human hands. Similarly, in the Eucharist, the bread and wine that will become the Body and Blood of Christ are the fruits of human hands. Thus, in order to experience the power of God, we need to offer him what we have, for he uses our little to perform great works in our life and in that of others.
May the Lord grant us the grace to live a life of peace and harmony with all, as Saint Paul exhorts us, so that his name may be glorified now and for ever. Amen
Happy World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly !