Saturday, 19 June 2021


Job 38:1,8-11
Psalm 107
2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Mark 4:35-41


Today’s readings exhort us not to be afraid, no matter what storm threatens to overwhelm us, for God is able to rescue us from peril and distress. In this perspective, the significance of the authority Jesus demonstrates in Mark’s gospel account of the calming of the sea is echoed in the first reading. God speaks to Job “out of the storm” and reveals himself as the Creator and Lord of the sea and sky (Job 38:1,8-11). This is exactly the power displayed by Jesus in the gospel. With a word, he brought calm out of the chaos and calmed the storm: “Quiet! Be still!”. The disciples were filled with awe and fear: “Who then is whom even the wind and sea obey?” For they knew that it is only God who can control the wind and the sea.

Moreover, it is interesting to note the striking contrast between the relaxed demeanour of Jesus and the great agitation of the disciples. While the disciples were battling with the violent squall, Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him up saying: “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”

Indeed, sometimes, we are confronted with storms over which we have little or no control: natural calamities, sickness, loss of a loved one, failure of our dreams and projects, and so forth. Perhaps even now, we may be experiencing some kind of fear or anxiety, because of the challenges and frightening situations we are going through, or because we see some threats looming on our horizon. We may even be tempted to believe that God is asleep, that he does not care.

But, no matter what we are experiencing, we can find the calming presence of Christ and the peace he can offer us. As Saint Paul reminds us, the love of Christ overwhelms us; it urges us on, even when we are battling against a headwind. It is this love of Christ that continues to urge each one of us and the Church on until we reach ‘the other side’. Therefore, let us not be afraid, for our God is able. All he wants is to see our faith and trust manifest in calm, trust and serenity even in the midst of the most adverse circumstances. May he bless and keep all of us under his care. Amen
Happy Father's Day 🎊

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