Wisdom 1:13-5.2:23-24
Psalm 29:2.4-6.11-13
2Corinthians 8:7.9.13-15
Mark 5:21-43
According to today’s readings, God made us for fullness of life. They acknowledge that our life is not dependent on possessions, and one’s social or religious prestige cannot secure a life without pain. Thus, the categories of sickness and good health, poverty and riches are redefined by the “gracious act of our Lord Jesus Christ who, though he was rich, became poor so that we may become rich” (2Corinthians 8:7.9.13-15).
In fact, the author of the Book of Wisdom affirms that God did not create death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. He created all things to subsist for eternity, and made man to be imperishable. Suffering and death are the doing of the devil (Wisdom 1:13-5.2:23-24).
As such, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to restore this distorted order. Throughout his public ministry, he performed many healing miracles, and raised the dead to life. In today’s gospel, Jairus implored him to heal his twelve-year-old daughter who was terminally ill; and the woman who was suffering from hemorrhage for twelve years got healed when she touched the garment of Jesus. Finally, Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter to life by simply saying “Little girl, I tell you to get up” (Mark 5:21-43).
What is common in both Jairus and the suffering woman is not only the desperation of each one, but also their daring faith in Jesus. Out of their faith, they dared to approach Jesus hoping they would get their needs met. Indeed, when we approach Jesus in faith, he comes to us with blessing, healing, wholeness, joy, peace, and fullness of life.
It could therefore be said that faith in Jesus gives a new meaning to our lives. It convinces us that there is never a hopeless situation in life; for everything is possible for the one who believes. Thus, we are not just to be among the crowd; rather we are to always be moved by a daring and deep faith in order to approach Jesus, touch him and have a transforming experience with him, especially in prayer and in the celebration of the Eucharist.
May the Lord increase our faith so that we may never lose hope no matter how terrifying and seemingly hopeless our situation may be. Amen.