Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 51:3-4.12-15
Hebrews 5:7-9
John 12:20-33
On this fifth Sunday of Lent, the readings introduce us into the Pascal mystery that we will celebrate during the Holy Week. The first reading announces the conclusion of a new covenant between God and his people, a covenant not like that of Sinai but a covenant written on the human heart. According to the second reading, Jesus is the model of obedience. He accepted the humiliating death of the cross in obedience to the Father in order to become the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey him.
In the gospel, St John narrates the episode about the Greeks who wanted to see Jesus. Instead of a “yes” or “no” answer, Jesus announces that his “hour” has come, that is, the hour of his crucifixion. He does so using two images: the image of a grain of wheat that falls into the ground; and that of his being lifted up from the earth. These two images express the paradox of Jesus’ death. Two lessons may be drawn for our meditation.
Firstly, the hour of Jesus’ crucifixion was not an hour of defeat, but the hour of his triumph, glorification and exaltation. His death was not the end, but the beginning of a new stage of God’s relationship with mankind. For the hour of the cross, which seemed to be the darkest hour in history, was in fact the source of salvation and redemption for mankind.
Secondly, if we wish to have a share in Jesus’ life and glory, we must also become like grains of wheat. In other words, if we wish to have life, we must let our ego and old ways of life die in us. We must live not for ourselves, but for God and for others. If we wish experience the transforming power of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we must look up on the cross and be ready to follow Jesus till the end.
Obviously, the journey will not be easy. Faced with the hour of his Passion, Jesus himself did not hesitate to express his anguish and sorrow: “Now my soul is troubled,” he said. But he trusted in God the Father till the end. We also need to trust in God, especially in our moments of trials and challenges. May he grant us the grace to seek him, follow him and serve him each day. Amen
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