Saturday, 7 November 2020


Wisdom 6:12-16
Psalm 63
1Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13


Christian tradition often identifies Jesus Christ with the Wisdom of God, personified in the Old Testament. Meanwhile today’s the first reading tells us that Wisdom is readily found by those who look for her and watch for her early. When found, Wisdom becomes the light that enlightens one’s way and dispels anxiety and trouble (Wisd. 6:12-16).

Indeed, these attributes of Wisdom are more manifest in Christ Jesus. As such, our hope lies in Christ Jesus who died and rose from the dead. For we too will be raised from the dead to meet him whenever he comes. This hope is that which comforts us in our journey of life; and we must not grieve like the unbelievers who have no hope (1Thes. 4:13-18).

In the gospel reading, Jesus ends the parable of the ten virgins who went to meet the bridegroom with a call to stay awake. Among the ten virgins, five were wise because they took flasks of oil along with their lamps. While the five others were foolish because they took no oil along with their lamps, either out of negligence or forgetfulness. But whatever the case may be, the parable teaches us three important lessons:

1. We must always have an “extra oil” or a “power bank” with us. We must make adequate provisions for unexpected situations. For us Christians, our “extra-oil” is prayer, the sacraments and good works. These will keep the candle we received the day of our baptism burning brightly until we meet Christ on the last day.

2. Last minutes preparations can be risky. The unprepared and foolish virgins could not be admitted into the wedding feast because the door was locked. So to avoid unpleasant surprises, always be ready, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
3. Not everything can be borrowed: the five wise virgins could not share their oil with the other ones rightly because it is not everything that can be borrowed or shared. For instance, we cannot borrow someone’s good works to go to heaven. Everyone will be admitted or not in the Kingdom of God depending on his/her own works.

Therefore, let us always stay awake in prayer and good deeds so that the Lord may recognize us when he comes. Amen.

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