Isaiah 63:16-17;64:1.3-8; Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 1Corinthians1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37
Today marks the beginning of the Advent Season, which opens the new Liturgical Year (B). In ordinary parlance, “advent” means the coming or arrival of an important event, person or invention. For us Catholics, “Advent” is usually understood to mean the preparatory season for the commemoration of the Birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated at Christmas. But equally important is the joyful expectation of our Lord’s second coming that characterizes this season. It is a period of joyful hope, a period of waiting and watchfulness.
Thus, Jesus, in the gospel reading, invites his disciples to stay awake for his coming (Mark 13:33-37). He illustrates this call to watchfulness with the brief parable of the doorkeeper, who is expected to be on the watch and be ready to open the door to his master whenever he comes. In this way, staying awake means keeping vigil, being on one’s guard, being conscious of one's surrounding and ready for action. It also means being alert and vigilant, so that one is not taken by surprise. Indeed, everybody stays awake for a reason.
For us Christians, we stay awake for the sake of Christ, for his second coming. We stay awake because our Lord is coming to save us. In the second reading, St Paul reminds us that we have been given the grace of God to keep us steadfast as we are waiting for our Lord Jesus to be revealed (1Cor. 1:3-9). The spiritual gifts are therefore to help us keep watch at all time.
Thus, in this season, we must acknowledge our sinfulness, our frailty, our limitations, and pray that we may be saved when the Lord comes. Like the prophet Isaiah in the first reading, we must pray to God, the Ancient of days and our Father to come down from heaven and have pity on his sinful people (Is. 63:16-17;64:1.3-8).
Like the psalmist, let us call on the God of hosts, the Shepherd of Israel, to let his face shine on us so that we may be saved.