Saturday, 10 October 2020


Isaiah 25:6-10
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:12-14.19-20
Matthew 22:1-14


Christian life is a life of celebration. Each moment is an opportunity to celebrate the loving care of God, our Shepherd. Thus, today's readings bring home this festive aspect of our religion. In the first reading, Isaiah prophesied about the day when God would organize a feast for all nations. It would be a day of great rejoicing, liberation and consolation (Is.25:6-10).

In the second reading, St Paul expresses his appreciation to the Philippians who supported him in time of need. Besides, it is no doubt that Pauls trust in the Providence of God and the future festive glory that allows him to be content with any situation he finds himself in. In fact, he can do all things in the Lord who strengthens him (Phil. 4:12-14.19-20).

Jesus, in the gospel reading, gives the parable of the royal wedding feast and of the wedding garment. The king's actions may surprise us. First, out of anger, he gives orders to burn the city of the guests who refused to attend the celebration, giving excuses and maltreating his messengers. Second, he orders that the man who was not in a wedding garment be thrown out (Matt. 22:1-14).

What can we learn from this parable? First, God is the King who invites all humanity, all people beginning with the Israelites, to partake in the wedding feast of his Son Jesus Christ. But we must make ourselves available and respond adequately to the invitation. Indeed, the feast is ready, but admission to the feast alone is not enough; we must wear the wedding garment by living lives worthy of the Gospel. Otherwise, God will hold us responsible for not making ourselves worthy for his eternal banquet.

Second, the banquet is not only about a future salvation; the banquet is also the Eucharist. Each day, God invites all of us to this banquet. But how do we respond to this invitation? Do we not often give various excuses not to attend Mass? And when we do, do we get ourselves worthy for this feast? How do we prepare ourselves to receive the Holy Communion? Let us remember the words of Saint Paul: For those who eat and drink without discerning (that is, unworthily) the body of Christ, eat and drink judgment on themselves (1 Cor. 11:29).
Remain blessed!!!

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