Saturday, 8 August 2020


1 Kings 19:9.11-13  
Romans 9:1-5  
Matthew 14:22-33


God never ceased to manifest his unfailing presence with us in various ways. Thus, in the first reading, he manifests himself to the prophet Elijah on mount Horeb. Out of fear of queen Jezebel, the prophet run for his life.  As he hid himself in the cave, God asked him to go out and stand on the mountain before Him. Then, the Lord passed by. It is noteworthy that God did not reveal himself in the mighty wind, nor in the earthquake, nor in the fire, but in the sound of a gentle breeze. Indeed, God often manifests himself in ways we do not expect. He is a God of surprises.

In the second reading, St Paul expresses his deep anguish and sorrow for the unbelief of his Jewish brethren. Though they had the privilege of being the elected people of God, they failed to recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God. They failed to believe in him. 

In the gospel, we are presented with the well-known miracle of Jesus walking on the water. In the story, we are told that the disciples were battling with a heavy sea and fighting a strong head-wind. They got more terrified when they saw a “ghost”, not knowing it was Jesus walking on the water. Moreover, as Peter was walking on the water to get to Jesus upon Jesus' invitation, he began to sink because he took off his eyes from Jesus and focused on the force of the wind.

Indeed, sometimes we get frightened because of the problems and difficulties we face in life. Nowadays, the COVID-19 pandemic and its related appalling effects, the insecurity in the world, and many other things are creating fear in us. Many of us are not only battling with the storms of life but are also at the verge of giving up. But in the midst of all this, the voice of Jesus is still echoing: ‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.’ Yes, Jesus is able and can save us. All we need is to believe in his unfailing presence and his saving power. Therefore, when we are overwhelmed with the difficulties of life, let us have the courage to cry out to him like Simon Peter: “Lord, save us.” May the Lord grant us the grace to face the storms of life with faith, courage and serenity. Amen

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