Saturday, 21 March 2020

4th Sunday Of Lent, Year A

1 Samuel 16:1b,6-7,10-13
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 91-41


The fourth Sunday of Lent is known as the “Laetare Sunday” or Sunday of rejoicing. On this Sunday, the liturgy invites us to rejoice as an anticipation of the Easter joy that awaits us. But how can we rejoice when the whole world is in agony and distress because of the COVID-19 or Coronavirus? How can we rejoice when thousands of people die every single day as a result of this deadly virus? How can we be joyful when millions of Catholics are deprived of the Eucharist which is the source and summit of our Christian life? How can we rejoice when the God we serve seems to be far away and indifferent to our sufferings and cries? 

Indeed, we may find thousands of reasons not to rejoice; and yet, the Word of God still invites us to joy because our true joy lies not in what happens around us but in our relationship with Jesus Christ, who was “sent” by the Father to be the “Light of the world.” The man born blind in the gospel passage was in total darkness. He was abandoned and lonely, begging before he could eat. But his encounter with Jesus changed his situation. As such, the words of Paul in the second reading are very appropriate in relation this man: "You were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord.”

He could not be recognized by his own and the Pharisees because the healing power of the Lord brought a breakthrough in his life. He could now see the light and the beauty of nature. He could praise God and bear witness to this amazing grace he had received from Jesus the Messiah. Likewise, David could rejoice because God had favoured him beyond measure, beyond human understanding. Though a young boy and counted for nothing, he was chosen and anointed to be the future king of Israel. For God sees the heart and not appearances. His ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts (cf. Is. 55:8). 

God is able to raise us from our nothingness and make his amazing works visible in us. When we feel desperate, lonely and abandoned, then he reveals his greatness and closeness. Thus, in these difficult and trying times, let us trust him and not give in to fear and panic. Let us be more connected to Jesus through prayer and prayerful reading of his Word. Let us find in him the source of our joy despite the challenging moments we are going through. May he bless and keep all of us. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Please, can you verify the Gospel text for us? John 91-41?
