Saturday, 1 February 2020


Malachi 3:1-4
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple which occurred forty days after the birth of Jesus. So it is an extension of Christmas joy. This feast offers us many lessons and avenues for mediation, of which I would like to highlight four: the feast of consecration, light, encounter and the love of God.

First, according to the Law of Moses, "every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord." Thus, the parents of Jesus came not only for the purification of Mary but also to consecrate Jesus to the Lord in accordance with the Law. We too through our baptism have been consecrated to God. And for us priests, men and women religious, this consecration has become an offering of our whole life to God. This is why since 1997, February 2nd has become the Day for Consecrated Life. So, let us thank God for this wondrous gift and renew our consecration to God by asking him the grace of fidelity.

Second, the feast of light. Taking the infant Jesus in his arms, Simeon praised God, recognizing in this little child not only the long-awaited Messiah but also as the light for revelation to the nations and glory for his people Israel. Again, the liturgy of today provides for a procession with candles at the beginning of the celebration. All this tells us that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, the rising Sun over the entire universe. We are therefore invited to walk with him, and to keep our lights of good works burning for the glory of God.

Third, it is the feast of Encounter. The prophet Malachi in the first reading tells us that the Lord is sending his messenger to prepare his way, and suddenly he will come to his temple. The gospel highlights this encounter: Jesus the Messiah comes to meet his people, represented by the old man Simeon and the prophetess Anna. These two recognized him and announced him to all with enthusiasm. It is the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises. May God’s promises be fulfilled in our lives.

Finally, the second reading tells us that Jesus the Son of God has become like us his brothers. He has become the merciful and worthy High Priest in our relationship with God. The whole mystery of Christmas is there: God identifies himself with men. God undergoes trial to help those in trial. It is the expression of God’s love for us. Therefore, let us celebrate this feast with grateful hearts and ask God the grace to remain faithful to him. Amen

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