Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7
Romans 5:12-19
Matthew 4:1-11
Lent is here again! Lent is a period to deepen our relationship with God through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is a time of renewal, penance and conversion, a time to start afresh. Traditionally, the gospel of the first Sunday of Lent speaks of the temptation of Jesus (Matt. 4:1-11). Jesus’ overcoming the devil’s triple temptation does not only anticipate his victory over sin and death through his Passion, death and resurrection, but also constitutes an example to us. For there are many temptations that await us during this season of grace. But just as Jesus resisted the devil, we too should not give in to the solicitations of the devil.
In fact, there is a striking contrast between Jesus in the Gospel and our first parents in the Garden of Eden as narrated in the first reading. Thus, the second reading comes as a kind of synthesis for the two: it was the fall of Adam and Eve which brought about the coming of Jesus to restore our relationship with God. For just as one man’s fall and disobedience led all to sin and condemnation, so also the obedience of one man has brought life and justification to all.
The story of Jesus’ temptation has much to teach us. First, no one can escape temptation. Temptation is everywhere and has no respect for status or position. Temptation is always related to common human attractions, needs and desires such as food, pleasure, power and fame. Second, the devil tempts us on our weakest point and can easily seduce us to fall into his traps. He comes under the guise of some kind of goodness. But his real intention is to separate us from God, to make us rebel against God who is Love.
Third, to be able to resist the devil, we must counter him firmly with the Word of God. It is not simply reciting bible verses, but being deeply rooted in God’s Word and allowing it to transform us. Lastly, when we are tempted, we have a choice to make, depending on whether we know our identity and mission as Christians or not. Jesus was able to withstand the devil because he knew his identity and mission. May he help us to resist temptations that may come our way especially during this season of grace. Amen