Saturday, 28 December 2019


Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14
Psalm 128  
Colossians 3:12-21   
Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23


Still in the joyful mood of Christmas, we are invited to celebrate the solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, which is a model for all families. This Family is called “holy” not because it was “problem-free”. But because it was founded on faith in God and adherence to God’s will. As such, they enjoyed a great inner peace and profound unity in spite of their woes and hardships. 

In the gospel passage, St Matthew narrates the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt in order to save the life of the newly born child Jesus, which was threatened by king Herod. This story does not only remind us of the many families that are going through dramatic situations, but also invites us, especially parents, to be life-protecting. We must care for our children and protect them in all respects. 

It is needless to say that we live in a world where many families are torn apart, where there are conflicts and misunderstandings fuelled by a generational gap between parents and children. Again, the figures of “father” and “mother” are robbed of their true meaning; and children claim greater rights and autonomy from their parents. Thus, the first reading reasserts the importance of parents and insists on the honour and reverence that children owe to their parents, who gave them life. It challenges us to help and care for our parents, to be patient and considerate towards them, especially when they are old and sick. For whoever does so receives forgiveness for his sins and blessings from God.

In the second reading, St Paul enumerates some attitudes that favour family life and its progress in love and harmony: heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, mutual respect, affection and especially forgiveness. It is important to note that no family is perfect. Each member has his own history, wounds and crosses. Hence it is necessary to “bear with one another” in love and patience. Each of us must be ready to let go any grudge and to forgive, so as to establish harmony, peace and serenity in our families. May the Holy Family intercede for our families so they may grow in love, faith and obedience to God’s Word. Amen

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