Wisdom 11:22—12:2
Psalm 145
2 Thessalonians 1:11—2:2
Luke 19:1-10
Today’s readings reveal to us the immensity of God's love for his creatures that we are. In effect, the book of Wisdom makes three profound affirmations: (i) the universe, including humanity, is only a tiny drop of dew before the greatness of God. (ii) All that exists was willed by God who created everything out of love. Therefore, nothing exists by chance or by mistake. (iii) God is tender and patient towards the sinner so that he may repent and live. According to the psalmist, God is all-powerful and great King, loving and worthy to be praised. And his goodness is for all his works.
It is in this context of God's merciful and saving love for each of his creatures that we must understand Zacchaeus' encounter with Jesus, which is narrated in today’s gospel reading. All of the descriptions that the evangelist Luke gives of Zacchaeus have one point: to make us understand that Zacchaeus was a public sinner, a detestable creep. However it is this sinner that attracts the merciful gaze of Jesus.
Zacchaeus was seeking to see Jesus, but it was Jesus who saw him. Having recognized Jesus as the Lord, he accepts with joy the self-invitation of Jesus to dwell in his house. This meeting transformed the life of Zacchaeus. A radical conversion took place, a metanoia, manifested in concrete gestures, in concrete decisions. In this episode, Jesus reveals his identity and his mission: He is the Son of Man who has come to seek and to save what was lost.
Therefore, these readings reveal to us that God loves each one of us. And despite our unfaithfulness, our waywardness, despite the condemnatory judgment of others on us, we remain the "descendants of Abraham", that is sons and daughters of God’s promises. Thus, he loves us and knows us intimately. He takes us and lifts us up when we falls. He wants us to abandon our wickedness and live. May we come down from our trees and open our hearts to welcome the salvation that Jesus offers us today. As in the prayer of St Paul for the Thessalonians, may the Lord make us worthy of his calling so that his Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be glorified in us. Amen
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