Acts 13:14.43-52
Ps 99:1-3.5
Revelatio 7:9.14-17
John 10:27-30
The fourth Sunday of Easter is known as the Good Shepherd Sunday and is set aside to pray for vocations to the priestly and religious life. Hence, the name “Vocations Sunday.” God invites everyone and all people to friendship with him through Jesus Christ. Jesus, the Lamb who was slain, has become our Good Shepherd. Thus, if we heed to his voice and follow him, we become part of his sheepfold. And he will lead us to life-giving springs of water.
The invitation to be part of his flock is addressed to all of us without distinction. Those who accept the call and give their lives to him are assured of protection, security and life unending. However, belonging to Christ does not make us free from trials, sufferings and hostilities here on earth. In fact, there is a “great persecution” we must go through before we can share in the victory of the lamb. And this is what the second reading teaches us. John saw in a vision a huge crowd of people from every nation, race, tribe and language, standing before the Lamb and ready to celebrate their victory. They were those who had washed their robes white in the blood of Jesus.
Moreover, believing in the Good Shepherd and following him till the end is a personal choice. In the first reading, the Jews of Antioch of Pisidia heard the Good News of the Risen Jesus but rejected it. The pagans, on the contrary, received it with joy and thanksgiving.
As we pray for vocations today, let us ask the Lord to help the youth to answer his call freely and spontaneously. May he raise for his Church many shepherds after his own hearts and give us holy priests, holy religious men and women.
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