Saturday, 9 February 2019


Isaiah 6:1-8
Ps 137:1-5.7-8
1 Co. 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11


Christian life begins with the encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. This encounter not only transforms our life, but also entrusts to us a mission. In effect, Isaiah had a vision of God in the sanctuary. Filled with awe, he acknowledged his sinfulness before the holiness of God. Purged and strengthened by God, he received his call to be God’s messenger.

St Paul had an encounter with the crucified and risen Jesus on his way to Damascus. This encounter, or better still this experience, changed his life. From a persecutor of the Church, he became an apostle of Christ, a witness of the Gospel. Thus he worked and preached with much zeal, conviction and pride in God’s grace.

In the Gospel, St Luke narrates the call of the first disciples. Simon Peter and his companions were fishermen by profession. After a fruitless fishing adventure, in their despair and tiredness, they encountered Jesus. Though with hesitation and protest, Simon obeyed this itinerant preacher who told him: “Put out into deep water and lower the nets for a catch.” Out of this trust and obedience, they caught many fish. This miraculous catch changed their lives and perspective. They left everything and followed Jesus. From fishermen they became fishers of men.

As such, God can transform and make you too a testimony to his glory and power. Therefore, do not think of quitting or giving up no matter what you are going through. God has a grand plan and a mission for you. He is able to use you irrespective of your past or sins. If you allow the Lord to encounter you where you are, if you accept his call to become his messenger, your life will never be the same.
Remain blessed! Amen

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