Jeremiah 17:5-8
Psalm 1.1-4.6
1Corinthians 15:12.16-20
Luke 6:17.20-26
Psalm 1.1-4.6
1Corinthians 15:12.16-20
Luke 6:17.20-26
Everybody wants to be happy and prosperous. But the way you chose to get there may bring you blessedness and peace, or it may lead you to woe and curse. Curse and blessing, happiness and sadness, death and resurrection, blessedness and woes: behold the two ways laid before us in today’s readings.
In effect, he who puts his trust in men and in created things avails himself to curse, sadness and woes. He is like a dried leaf tossed about by any kind of wind. On the other hand, the man who puts his trust in the Lord is blessed and joyful. He is like a tree planted near the river. He has no fear of anything. He bears fruits in season and out of season. Nothings can rob his inner peace and interior joy. If therefore we trust in the crucified and risen Christ, blessed are we.
As such, those who are materially poor, the sad, the hungry and persecuted because of Christ are blessed and therefore should rejoice, says Jesus in the Gospel. For God is their consolation, in contrast to those who put their trust and consolation in their material possessions.
Like Moses who set before the people of Israel life and prosperity, death and adversity, and exhorted them to choose life (Deut. 30:15-20), I challenge you to trust in the Lord. Walk in his ways. Obey his Word. And you will be blessed, happy and fruitful all the days of your life, no matter the storms, challenges, and problems you may face. May the Holy Spirit help us trust God at all times so that we may inherit eternal life. Amen