Saturday, 11 August 2018


1Kings 19:4-8 
Psalm 34 
Ephesians 4:30-5:2 
John 6:41-51


Today, Jesus continues his catechesis on the Bread of Life as presented in the sixth chapter of John’s gospel. St Paul exhorts his audience not to grieve the Holy Spirit, but rather imitate God in his goodness and love. The first reading presents us the figure of the prophet Elijah.

The prophet Elijah was escaping the wrath of Jezebel who sought to kill him for having exterminated the prophets of Baal. The prophet flew therefore to save his life. But hunger and tiredness made him rather seek for death: “Lord, I have had enough. Take my life”, he said. But God gave him food and drink to re-energize him for the journey ahead of him.

In the Gospel, the Jews, knowing well the family background of Jesus, complained about him, for he said he is the bread that came from heaven. Thus, Jesus reiterates his statement by adding that the bread given for the life of the world is his own body. Jesus meant what he said: in the Eucharist, we receive the Body of Christ. As such, the Eucharist communicates to us the very life of Jesus. It gives meaning to our life and sows in us the seed of eternal life.

Therefore, the secret of a happy, fulfilled and meaningful life, a life full of hope amidst the crosses and difficulties of this life is in Jesus. In the Eucharist we celebrate Jesus Christ who offers himself to us. And the foundation of this self-giving is love.

Meanwhile, love puts away every bitterness, anger, wrangling and slander. Love is kind, generous, forgiving and tender. It is in this light that the exhortation of St Paul in the second reading is to be understood. We are children of God; we must therefore live our lives as such.

Let us pray, therefore, that God may strengthen and renew us through the nourishment we receive in the Eucharist. And so, we may journey with him and radiate his love in our homes and communities. Amen

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