Joshua 24:1-2.15-18
Psalm 33:2-3.16-23
Ephesians 5:21-32
John 6:60-69
Faith is a personal adherence to God. To believe in God must be a free and conscious act, knowing it leads to freedom and salvation. Thus, how we live our life depends on our choice to believe or not to believe.
The people of Israel had arrived at the Promised Land. Thus, Joshua invited them to renew their commitment to God. When asked to choose whom they wish to serve, the people of Israel affirmed their resolution to worship the Lord their God who had saved them from slavery in Egypt (Jos. 24:1-2.15-18).
In the gospel, we are presented with the last section of the sixth chapter of John’s gospel. When the crowds decided not to go with Jesus, because his declarations about the Bread of Life were unacceptable to them, he asked the Twelve: “What about you, do you want to go away too?” To this, Simon Peter answered: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we believe; we know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:60-69).
Sometimes, we need to make such leap of faith, to stand by Jesus and hold unto him. When the enthusiasm of our commitment begins to wane, when doubts begin to set in and tiredness weighs us down, when strong winds begin to blow and the world rages around us, and when despair takes over, we need to say “Lord, to whom shall we go?” Do not quit; do not give up. Hold unto Jesus.
However, we must know that deciding to stay with Christ is to allow him to give a new orientation and meaning to our life. It is to choose the way of selfless love and sacrifice, especially within the family. We must no longer live to dominate others but to love them, care for them and respect them. In doing so, our families or homes will become a source of healing, fulfilment and sanctification (Eph. 5:21-32).
May the Lord bless and keep all of us. Amen.