Saturday, 14 April 2018


Acts 3:13-15.17-19
Psalm 4
1John 2:1-5
Luke 24:35-48


Jesus of Nazareth, the Prince of Life was put to death, but death could not overcome him. This is an old news but always new, transforming lives to the glory of God. Today, he appears to his disciples. It was in the evening of the day of his resurrection. The prevailing atmosphere among the disciples was one of fear and doubt, sadness and deception. But the encounter with the Risen Jesus renewed their faith and filled them with joy.

Today’s appearance story follows Jesus’ manifestation to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, where they recognized him in the breaking of bread. Three things are worth highlighting in today’s passage. First, he offers peace to his troubled and frightened disciples and reassures them that he is the same who was dead but now is alive. Second, he makes them understand the Scriptures which foretold his Passion, death and resurrection. Third, he invites them to be witnesses of his saving work.

Consequently, in the first reading, Peter boldly bears witness to the Risen Lord before the people and calls them to conversion. St John, in the second reading, reminds us that Jesus’ death is the expiation for our sins and those of the whole world. This way, he has become our advocate before God.

Indeed, Jesus died, but now he is alive. He died for our sins. This is the news we must preach to the world and call our contemporaries to conversion. But we ourselves must be converted first so as to be living testimonies of God’s mercy and love.
May the Risen Lord give us peace and joy. Amen

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