Saturday, 10 February 2018


Leviticus 13:1-2.44-46
Psalm 31:1-5.11
1Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Mark 1:40-45


Man is essentially a social being. His fulfillment lies in togetherness, living with and for others. It can be therefore painful when we feel rejected, neglected or abandoned. Thus, the healing of the leper in today’s gospel is much revealing.

Leprosy has always been a terrible illness, especially in ancient times. It was highly contagious and incurable. In this way, the only means of prevention was to isolate the leper from society. Hence, the first reading provides that the leper must live apart, outside the camp. He must also avoid any contact with others (Lev. 13:1-2.44-46).

In this situation, the leper suffered a double affliction: the physical suffering inflicted by the sickness and the psychological pain of being separated from his own people. He could not even participate in the worship of his community. He became an outcast.

But in the gospel, a moving story is told. The leper dared defy the laws that condemned him to exclusion and isolation. He came to Jesus and pleaded to be cured. In his turn, Jesus broke the norms of purity that prohibited him to approach, let alone touch, a leper. He stretched out his hand, touched the leper and healed him (Mark 1:40-45). These daring actions of both the leper and Jesus restored the leper to good health and reintegrated him to his community. 

In our society today, many are those living at the margin of society. They have been excluded from the mass, separated from their own, rejected. For instance, the elderly, the sick, prisoners, victims of HIV/AIDS, migrants, strangers, alcoholics, etc, have been excluded from society. Can we be the face of Jesus to these people?

St Paul invites us to imitate him just as he himself imitates Christ. We are called, especially on this day which is the International Day for the Sick, to perform actions even audacious so as to break any norm that excludes man from his fellow men. By so doing, we will give glory to God. May Mary, our Lady of Lourdes intercede for all the sick.


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