1Samuel 26:7…23
Psalm 102:1-4.8.10
1 Corinthians 15:45-49
Luke 6:27-38
In a world that celebrates violence, power and vengeance, Jesus’ teaching in today’s gospel may appear awkward, nonsensical and unacceptable. In effect, he teaches his disciples to be loving, forgiving, generous and kind to everyone including those who hate, persecute or curse them. They are not to judge or condemn others, but be tolerant so as to become children of the Most High: “Be merciful as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:27-38). As Pope Francis often says, three words indicates God’s style: closeness, mercy and tenderness. His love reaches out to everyone without discrimination; he loves each one of us totally, even though we are hateful, sinful and unworthy. “He does not treat us according to our sins nor repays us according to our faults” (Ps 102:10).
Loving our enemies, blessing those who curse us, praying for those who mistreat us or lending without looking forward for restitution is a real challenge to go beyond the human logic of love and kindness. In the light of Saint Paul’s words, we can say that this is an invitation to let go our old self, inherited from our first parent Adam, and put on the new self in Christ Jesus (1Co 15:45-49). And this is undoubtedly difficult to live by. But difficulty is not impossibility. As such, a concrete example of the love for one’s enemy is given us in the first reading. The opportunity was given to David to take vengeance on king Saul, who was pursing his life. But for respect of his dignity as the Lord’s anointed, David spared his life (1Sam. 26:7…23).
Thus, a Christian must not to have enemies in the first place; but if somebody hates him for any reason, he is to love that person. This is not an apologetics to a fatal pacifism, but rather, an invitation to go beyond ourselves, and cultivate the ability to let go our hurts, wounds that others inflict us, live peaceably with all and not repay anyone evil for evil. For the better way to take vengeance on one’s enemy is to love him (read Rom 12:17-21). May the Lord grant us the grace to love everyone sincerely and forgive genuinely. Amen