Wisdom 1:13-5.2:23-24
Psalm 29:2.4-6.11-13
2Corinthians 8:7.9.13-15
Mark 5:21-43
The readings of today teach us that God made us for fullness of life. At first glance, the assertions of the first reading seem contrary to what we experience daily in this life. It tells us that God did not create death. He created all things to subsist for eternity. He made man imperishable. And yet, we experience suffering and death. Thus, the author tells us that these are the doing of the devil (Wisdom 1:13-5.2:23-24).
God being so good, he sent his Son Jesus Christ to restaure this distorted order. Thus, throughout his public ministry, Jesus performed many healing miracles; he raised the dead to life. In today’s gospel, Jairus implored Jesus to heal his daughter who was terminally ill; the woman who was suffering from haemorrhage for twelve years got healed when she touched the garment of Jesus, and Jesus raised the little girl to life by simply saying “Little girl, I tell you to get up” (Mark 5:21-43).
What is common in both Jairus and the suffering woman is their faith in Jesus. Out of this faith, they dared to approach Jesus hoping they would get their needs met. Yes, when we approach Jesus in faith, he comes to us with blessing, healing, wholeness, joy, peace, and fullness of life. For he came that we may have life, life in abundance (John 10:10).
Jesus was rich, yet for our sake he became poor, so that by his poverty we may become rich, we are told in the second reading. Thus, in giving relief to us, Jesus invites us to do the same to others through sharing.
Therefore, faith in Jesus gives a new meaning to our lives. Therefore, we must strive daily to approach Jesus, touch him and have this transforming and life changing experience with him, especially in prayer and in the celebration of the Eucharist.
May he increase our faith so that we may not lose hope in our difficult and terrifying moments.