Psalm 103
Galatians 5:16-25
John 15:26-27.16:12-15
The solemnity of Pentecost commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. The event took place on Pentecost, the Jewish Harvest Festival, an occasion when the Jews recalled their covenant with God on Mount Sinai, fifty days after their escape from Egypt.
This day was announced by Jesus Christ. For he promised the disciples that he would send them the Paraclet, the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit would glorify him, bear witness to him and empower the disciples also to bear witness to him. The Holy Spirit would teach them the ways of God and lead them to the whole truth (John 15:26-27.16:12-15).
The first reading narrates the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise. As described by Luke, the Pentecost event was a spectacular and transforming experience. The Holy Spirit opened the closed doors of the Church to everyone, freely involving anyone it comes across as the wind, having a burning and transforming power like fire, empowering men and women to proclaim the wonders of God to all peoples. This way, he freed the disciples from cowardice and fear, and empowered them to speak freely about the wonders of God (Acts 1:1-11).
We too have received the Holy Spirit at our baptism. We are therefore called to live by the Spirit, to bear fruits and outdo all the works of the fresh (Gal 5:16-25). Our lives are to be living testimonies to the wonders of God. For each of us is a miracle of God’s grace given to us in the Holy Spirit. It is high time therefore to come out of our self-inflicted prisons caused by fear, selfishness, wickedness, divisions, etc so as to preach fearlessly the love of God to all.
May the Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us, mold us, fill us and use us, enabling us to be true witnesses of Christ. Amen.