Ezekiel 34:11-12.15-17;
Psalm 23: 1-3, 5-6
1Corinthians 15:20-26.28;
Matthew 25: 31-46
We celebrate today, the Kingship of Christ, Jesus. Through his death and Resurrection, he overcame sin and death, thus establishing his kingship over all. Everything is therefore subjected to him. He is the centre of our human history and is leading us into the kingdom of God the Father (1Cor. 15:20-26.28).
But what kind of king is Jesus Christ? According to the first and gospel readings, Jesus Christ is the Shepherd and the Judge. In the first reading, God proclaims that he is the True Shepherd of Israel. As a shepherd, he knows us; he feeds us, protects and cares for us. If such is our Lord and King, then there is nothing we shall want (Ps. 23).
As the Judge, Jesus Christ will sit on his throne of glory to judge the nations at the end of time. He will separate the sheep from the goats, thus fulfilling the word of God as announced in the first reading. The “sheep”, in our parable today, represent the righteous, the blessed, those for whom the kingdom of heaven has been prepared. The “goats” represent the cursed, those for whom the eternal punishment is reserved.
At the judgment of the King, both the sheep and the goats were surprised. For the sheep, in being sensitive and coming to the aid of the needy and sufferers, they never knew they were welcoming and caring for Jesus himself. On the other hand, out of negligence, insensitivity and carelessness of the goats, they failed to serve Jesus in the least of men and women (Matt. 25:31-46).
This tells us how the King of the universe will judge us at the end our lives: how sensitive have you been to the miseries and needs of others, especially the needy, the marginalized and those suffering.
May the King of kings help us to recognize him in the least of our brothers and sisters so that we may share in his Kingdom.